ANAL DOESN'T COUNTTEEN HAS MERELY ANAL SEX TO HIDE THAT THIS BABE'S NOT A VIRGIN FROM PARENTSIn her bedroom in the morning, eighteen-year-old Bethany is kneeling on the floor by her bedside, hunched over the daybed in prayer. That Babe appears lovely and virginal as this babe says thanks God for keeping her family safe, pleased, and provided for, united by their love of God. That Babe thanks God for giving her the strength to love and forgive even these who turn away from His divine light. This Babe asks God to be with her for her calculus test this Friday... if it's not likewise much trouble, of course. And finally, this babe promises to God that that babe will remain pure and chaste in body and mind, to action as his humble servant. Midway throughout the prayer, however, we start to clue in that that babe may not be virginal and sincere after all -- we watch that her eyes keep shifting back towards her partly open bedroom door, and appears to be to be projecting her voice just loud sufficiently to be heard outside her room. Her lovely demeanor begins oozing with irony towards the end of her prayer. Lastly, this babe earnestly crosses herself and says 'Amen!' in advance of patting her lap with her hands contentedly. Mere moments later, a stud's voice in the other room calling out to her -- 'Bethany, time for school!' Bethany raises her head up for the 1st time, looking just past the camera. That Babe has a sarcastic smirk on her face for a lengthy pont of time, previous to it suddenly changes to a merry and sinless smile. 'Coming, dad!' this babe exclaims, in advance of getting up off her knees, grabbing her brute backpack off the daybed, and skipping out the room.CUT TO TITLE PLATEBethany is walking home that same day after school. Her demeanor now that this babe's properly alone is greatly different from previous to. Though that babe's clothed in the same cute outfit and brute backpack as previous to, this babe walks with a swagger and is eyeing the houses to her left and right with a deviant, not quite prowling expression. That Babe stops for a pont of time as one abode in special catches her eye -- farther up the lawn, a juvenile fit dude is doing some yardwork, messy and overspread in sweat. That Babe licks and bites her lips lustily. That Babe unclips her petticoat and removes it-- wearing a much shorter sluttier petticoat beneath -- and stashes the longer petticoat in her backpack. That Babe likewise removes her headband and shakes her hair out a bit, and stashes that in her bag as well previous to walking up the driveway towards the abode.This Babe advances up the driveway lazily, methodically. From a male gaze POV, we chase her slow walk from behind, with a constricted focus on the shape of her arse cheeks bouncing into view underneath her petticoat. As that babe acquires closer, the stud notices her and pauses what this guy's doing. 'Sorry, I don't crave any pussies or soever u're selling, thank u,' that guy shouts a bit briskly to her in advance of trying to return back to his labor. That Babe doesn't stop her slow approach. 'Hey,' that guy shouts once more, 'this is intimate property, u can't be here.' That Babe still doesn't stop -- from his perspective, we watch her giggle and bite her finger, but that babe otherwise still doesn't respond. Disappointed, that guy drops his tools and growls 'What, are u deaf or smth? U...' this chab points to her exaggeratedly... 'need to GO...' as this chab shoos her away with his hands. That Babe giggles and turns around, and this chab's relieved to think that babe's getting the message. 'YEP, lastly,' that guy exclaims, though Bethany doesn't move to leave like that guy expected. In Advance Of this chab can react, Bethany lifts up the back of her petticoat, briefly pops her finger into her throat, pulls it out, and then sticks her juicy finger Anal doesn't count legal age teenager has solely anal sex to hide that this babe's not a virgin from parents into her dark hole with a groan. Through this, that babe is looking back at the stud, who is stunned and not sure how to react. 'Holy shit,' is all this guy can think of to mutter underneath his breath. Bethany giggles, and teasingly brings her finger back up to her throat for a smack. That Babe adds a second finger to her face hole, and then brings 'em one as well as the other back down to tease her anal opening with 2 fingers now. That Babe winks at the stud, who is standing there dumbstruck, not sure how to react to this sudden turn of events. Bethany takes her fingers back out, and pulls a phone out of her shirt pocket and dials a contact. This Babe gestures for the stud to 'shhh' whilst the phone rings. 'Hello, dad!' that babe says cheerfully to an unheard voice on the other line. In a bubbly voice, this babe tells her father that that babe's going to be late for dinner, that babe's spending time with a ally (at this, that babe winks at the onlooking dude). Yeah, this babe had a wonderful day at school. Yeah, of course this babe'll be careful walking home in the black, not to worry. Yep, this babe'll have a great time at her ally's (one more wink). That Babe tells her father that babe has to go, they're about to say grace. This Babe hangs up, and then looks back to the stranger. 'Now, where were we?' this babe says in a much greater quantity sultry tone.SMASH CUT TO the inner of a bedroom, where the door bursts open. The stranger enters, carrying Bethany in a standing cowgirl position and making out with her furiously. After a not many seconds of this, that guy brings her to the couch and throws her down, then begins undoing his panties frantically. That Babe begins undressing also, but greater quantity nonchalantly, not quite with catlike indifference. That Guy peels off his shirt and is about to move in, but then pauses. 'Expect, u're eighteen though, right?' This Babe looks at him with a sarcastic pout. 'Awww, u dudes are so cute, always so worried about jailbait. Yeah, I'm eighteen, u're not going to receive in aaaany trouble.' This Chab asks what her name is, and this babe rolls her eyes and says 'ugh, don't spoil the mood,' previous to pulling him in for greater amount aggressive giving a kiss.Sensing that that babe wishes it to be a quickie, the stranger tries to continue to the main event out of any oral-sex and moves to stick his shlong in her fur pie. That Babe stops him and says 'nuh-uh, I solely do anal. Got any lube?' This Chab's taken aback, but reaches to his bedside table to fetch some -- not that this chab's complaining, but why solely anal? That Babe looks back at him with a wry smile -- cuz this babe's supposed to be a virgin on her wedding day, and all that archaic misogynistic bullshit her parents power on her. Favourable for her, this babe says, anal doesn't count. Her parents have no way to know. So this chab should quit all the yapping and fuck her in the a-hole - previous to this babe acquires bored.
6 years ago
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